My Life: LA’Brea

I enjoy making graphic designs. It is fun. I can express myself in many different ways

I am LA’Brea Aquaria: Writer, Author, Poet, Singer, Song writer, Artist, Mother, Wife, Christian, Minister, Provider, Grandmother, Hairdresser, Self Taught Nail Technician, Self Taught Massage Therapist, Life Coach, Spiritual Advisor. Sister, Aunt, Great Aunt, Daughter, Granddaughter, Cousin, podcaster, and story teller, website creator, and blogger, also photographer.

I love nature and being outside in it. I love animals. I feel like I would be happier if I could have an an animal. It would bring me so much joy, and it would be therapeutic for me to help me get rid of depression, stress, and anxiety.

I know that I am a beautiful woman. I love myself. I am very gifted and multitalented, I just need to be in a place where I can do the things I love doing. I need a quiet place just for me. I have been blessed to be able to do the things I do. If I had the support system I need; someone to be here for me to help nurture me, things for me could be better.

My children are the best children any mother could ever ask for. They encourage me and lift me up, they are so proud of me. They make my heart happy. They just don’t know how much I love them. I am also proud of my children. It doesn’t matter what mistakes they have made, because they are not defined by their past, and neither am I.

My life may not be perfect, but I know who is; He loves me more than I will ever be able to fathom, and His name is Jesus Christ my King. He is everything to me and more. I cannot do life without Him. If it were not for Him, I would not be here right now. He has gone through everything with me. I have never suffered alone. I am looking forward to seeing where He is going to lead me next in my life. He has so many more blessings in store for me. This is our journey and I am going to enjoy every step of the way. I am so glad I do not look like what I have been through. My best days are in front of me and I am grabbing every one of them.

Until my eyes see a new day that they have never seen before, I am thanking God in advance to let me see it and enjoy it. Bye everyone . Stay safe and creative.

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